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This program consists of thirteen courses offered for CEU credit and is focused on the duties and responsibilities of a safety manager in the hospitality industry. Participants will be prepared with a solid foundation to manage and facilitate OSHA regulations and meet performance expectations of employers. Course content provides an overview of safety regulations governing the hospitality industry as well as record keeping requirements and accident investigations. Program emphasizes recognition of workplace hazards and conduct risk assessments related to workplace violence, soft tissue injuries and bloodborne pathogens. Participants who complete the certificate program will be able to perform typical functions of a hospitality safety and health manager or risk assessment manager.
Students who successfully complete the Certificate program will be able to:
To earn the Hospitality Health and Safety Manager Certificate, participants must complete a total of ten required courses and three elective courses:
To earn the certificate participants will complete ten (10) required courses and three (3) elective courses. All courses must be completed within five (5) years. Courses taken through other official OSHA Training Institute Education Centers can be used to fulfill up to four (4) courses required for the Hospitality Health and Safety Manager certificate of completion.
Foremen, superintendents, loss control representatives, human resources, workers compensation administrators, risk management personnel, supervisors, safety consultants, safety engineers and safety managers.
Courses are offered for continuing Education Units (CEUs). Nationally recognized standards govern attendance requirements to earn CEU credits. A permanent record is established and students may request CSU Dominguez Hills’ transcript either online or by calling the University Records office. Students not pursuing the certificate of completion may take individual courses.
Class Time:
150 Hours
Other Time, including lab:
All Courses have lab components that may require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Class Schedules:
—Day and weekend classes
—Schedule dependent on elective course selections
Program Prerequisites:
At least high school-level math, reading, language and writing skills. Minimum 2 years of experience in the industry in which you intend to apply this training.
Equipment Used in Program:
Personal Protective Equipment
Target Occupations:
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists, Safety Professionals, Safety Managers, Safety Engineers, Risk Assessment Coordinators for Restaurant and Hospitality Industry
Target Sector:
Restaurant and Hospitality Industry
Out of work and need training? This program is approved for funding through the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Visit the America's Job Center website for more information.
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Have specific questions about the program? Contact the OSHA Program Office via phone at 310-243-2425 (M–F) or email